Craftsmanship - Virginia Woolf


…Words, English words, are full of echoes, of memories, of associations. They have been out and about, on people's lips, in their houses, in the streets, in the fields, for so many centuries. And that is one of the chief difficulties in writing them today – that they are stored with other meanings, with other memories, and they have contracted so many famous marriages in the past. The splendid word "incarnadine," for example – who can use that without remembering "multitudinous seas"? In the old days, of course, when English was a new language, writers could invent new words and use them. Nowadays it is easy enough to invent new words – they spring to the lips whenever we see a new sight or feel a new sensation – but we cannot use them because the English language is old. You cannot use a brand new word in an old language because of the very obvious yet always mysterious fact that a word is not a single and separate entity, but part of other words. Indeed it is not a word until it is part of a sentence. Words belong to each other, although, of course, only a great poet knows that the word "incarnadine" belongs to "multitudinous seas." To combine new words with old words is fatal to the constitution of the sentence. In order to use new words properly you would have to invent a whole new language; and that, though no doubt we shall come to it, is not at the moment our business. Our business is to see what we can do with the old English language as it is. How can we combine the old words in new orders so that they survive, so that they create beauty, so that they tell the truth? That is the question.

And the person who could answer that question would deserve whatever crown of glory the world has to offer. Think what it would mean if you could teach, or if you could learn the art of writing. Why, every book, every newspaper you'd pick up, would tell the truth, or create beauty. But there is, it would appear, some obstacle in the way, some hindrance to the teaching of words. For though at this moment at least a hundred professors are lecturing on the literature of the past, at least a thousand critics are reviewing the literature of the present, and hundreds upon hundreds of young men and women are passing examinations in English literature with the utmost credit, still – do we write better, do we read better than we read and wrote four hundred years ago when we were un-lectured, un-criticized, untaught? Is our modern Georgian literature a patch on the Elizabethan? Well, where then are we to lay the blame? Not on our professors; not on our reviewers; not on our writers; but on words. It is words that are to blame. They are the wildest, freest, most irresponsible, most un-teachable of all things. Of course, you can catch them and sort them and place them in alphabetical order in dictionaries. But words do not live in dictionaries; they live in the mind. If you want proof of this, consider how often in moments of emotion when we most need words we find none. Yet there is the dictionary; there at our disposal are some half-a-million words all in alphabetical order. But can we use them? No, because words do not live in dictionaries, they live in the mind. Look once more at the dictionary. There beyond a doubt lie plays more splendid than Antony and Cleopatra; poems lovelier than the Ode to a Nightingale; novels beside which Pride and Prejudice or David Copperfield are the crude bunglings of amateurs. It is only a question of finding the right words and putting them in the right order. But we cannot do it because they do not live in dictionaries; they live in the mind. And how do they live in the mind? Variously and strangely, much as human beings live, ranging hither and thither, falling in love, and mating together. It is true that they are much less bound by ceremony and convention than we are. Royal words mate with commoners. English words marry French words, German words, Indian words, Negro words, if they have a fancy. Indeed, the less we enquire into the past of our dear Mother English the better it will be for that lady's reputation. For she has gone a-roving, a-roving fair maid.

Thus to lay down any laws for such irreclaimable vagabonds is worse than useless. A few trifling rules of grammar and spelling is all the constraint we can put on them. All we can say about them, as we peer at them over the edge of that deep, dark and only fitfully illuminated cavern in which they live – the mind – all we can say about them is that they seem to like people to think before they use them, and to feel before they use them, but to think and feel not about them, but about something different. They are highly sensitive, easily made self-conscious. They do not like to have their purity or their impurity discussed. If you start a Society for Pure English, they will show their resentment by starting another for impure English – hence the unnatural violence of much modern speech; it is a protest against the puritans. They are highly democratic, too; they believe that one word is as good as another; uneducated words are as good as educated words, uncultivated words as good as cultivated words, there are no ranks or titles in their society. Nor do they like being lifted out on the point of a pen and examined separately. They hang together, in sentences, paragraphs, sometimes for whole pages at a time. They hate being useful; they hate making money; they hate being lectured about in public. In short, they hate anything that stamps them with one meaning or confines them to one attitude, for it is their nature to change.

Perhaps that is their most striking peculiarity – their need of change. It is because the truth they try to catch is many-sided, and they convey it by being many-sided, flashing first this way, then that. Thus they mean one thing to one person, another thing to another person; they are unintelligible to one generation, plain as a pikestaff to the next. And it is because of this complexity, this power to mean different things to different people, that they survive. Perhaps then one reason why we have no great poet, novelist or critic writing today is that we refuse to allow words their liberty. We pin them down to one meaning, their useful meaning, the meaning which makes us catch the train, the meaning which makes us pass the examination…


  1. Wow, this is truly amazing, I saw this one youtube, and do you think you can send me the audio file of this? I would highly appreciate it. My email is
    Thank you.

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      My Name is Nicole Marie, I live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life, As i am a struggling mum with two kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bill for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i ran to my father and he was not able to help me, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a God fearing man (Mr Martinez Lexie) who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the Internet mostly Africa, but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt due to the fact that the company is from United State of America, and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of $82,000.00 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is ok and can walk, my family is happy and i said to myself that i will shout to the world the wonders this great and God fearing Man Mr Martinez Lexie did for me and my family; so if anyone is in genuine and serious need of a loan do contact this GOD fearing man via Email: ( ) or reach him through this number +1 (406) 946-0675 thanks

  2. I've put it in facebook, if you don't mind.

    Thank's for your answer (from youtube)

    1. Hello Everyone, I am Celina Wheels a single mom from California USA, will like to share this great testimony on how i got my loan from Gordy's Loans when we were driven out of our home when i couldn't pay my bills anymore, After been scammed by various companies online and denied a loan by my bank and other some other credit union i visited. my children were taken by the foster care, i was all alone in the street. Until a day i shamefully walked into an old school mate who introduced me to Gordy's Loans. At first i told her that i am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore, but she assured me that i will received my loan from them. On a second thought i took due to my homelessness i took a trial and applied for the loan, luckily for me i received a loan of $50,000.00 from( Am happy i took the risk and applied for the loan. my kids have been given back to me and now i own a home and a business of my own. All gratitude goes to Gordy's loans for giving a meaning to my life when i had lost all hope. You can also reach them at: (864) 509-9524 and transform your life.

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  3. I love this, hearing my good old favorite author. I have been with her for five years and she never fail to impress me, her diction is perfect as it is.

    1. We are a Certified Financial Institution approving funds for all kinds of project. Our loan/financial offer is given at a low interest rate of 2% and it's repayment duration is very friendly and customer convenient.
      Repayment period is within 12 to 120 months with an initial 6-12 months grace period with no re-payment penalty.
      We approve a funding for up to $100 Million and above depending on the nature of business.
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      If you are interested in this offer, kindly contact us via email to receive our Funding Terms and Conditions. (

      Wishing you all the best!!!

  4. extraordinary! thank you so much!

    i'm going to share it in my blog, including your transcription, if you don't mind.


    1. Did you need an urgent financial help? did you need a loan? email us via: you can also contact us via facebook:

  5. Thank you very much for the transcript and the yt video with the wonderful recording of Virginia's voice... and the beautiful images!
    For a moment she is somehow alive again... The beloved never die, as long we carry them in our hearts and thoughts...
    Virgina will always live on with her word in her book...

    1. Did you need an urgent financial help? did you need a loan? email us via: you can also contact us via facebook:

  6. Very grateful for the transcript. It was a pure joy reading it along silently in my head as she speaks.

    Thank you!


    1. Good day Audience,

      I am Carolyn V. Metnick,from Ohio USA, i want to use this great medium to announce this lender Elvin Morrison who is really a God sent to my family. few months back i was in search of a loan from the internet where i was scammed of $3250.00, i never thought i will ever apply for a loan on the internet again before i met a post about this lender made by one Maury who also got a loan from them, then i took a try again, after loan processing i was ask to provide my banking details which i did and to my greatest surprise i was granted a loan of $45,000.00 at first i thought it was a joke until i got to the bank to confirm and it was true, i was overwhelmed with joy. so i want you all who desire a loan and are capable of paying back the funds at the due time to contact: or on our web page or call us on +13072132540 and be a partaker of my testimony ....

  7. Thanks a lot for the transcript and of course for youtube video.

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    1. Good day Loan Seekers Solution for your financial problems......

      We are a fully registered and certified loan firm, that offers secured and unsecured loans to individuals and companies at a very low interest rate of 2%. We offer long and short term loans.Our company has recorded a lot of breakthroughs in the provision of first class financial services to our clients, especially in the area of Loan syndication and capital provision for individuals and companies. We have brought ailing industries back to life and we back good business ideas by providing funds for their up start. We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations.We are a group of energetic and experienced loan professionals with thorough knowledge of financial markets.In general we offer mortgages, home loans business loans and bad credit loans commercial loans, start-up- working capital loans construction loans car loans, hotel loans Xmas loans Our interest rate is 2% per annual repaid, our loan takes a maximum of 3 working days,to get to all approved customers across the globe.You can contact us via or

  8. Thank you so much! What an listen Virginia's precious words by her own voice!

  9. Muchas Gracias.
    I send you a flower
    Here the beginning of Mrs Dalloway in spanish.
    "Mrs Dalloway dijo que las flores las compraría ella"

  10. Gracias!
    La Señora Dalloway:
    "¿Acaso importa que deje de existir? se preguntaba ella mientras caminaba por la calle Bond. QUizá todo esto debía proseguir sin ella. ¿le dolía, o quizá no resultaba un consuelo creer que la muerte es el fin absoluto?"

  11. Bueno, pues nunca había oído su emocionante, porque ya empezaba a dudar. Quien no tiene voz, no existe. Y si no la alza, existe poco.
    Un bico


  12. without righness a word dies
    without truth it withers
    without love it is a clanging cymbal
    ~~~Many thanks for this

    1. Did you need an urgent financial help? did you need a loan? email us via: you can also contact us via facebook:

  13. Thank you so much for the transcript! So helpful! :)

  14. Merci. If I knew how to, I would put it in my blog or Facebook.

  15. Impart you so often! What an pore Virginia's treasured words by her own vocalize.transcript So laboursaving
    Essay Scorer

  16. Thanks so much for putting this out there -- before this, I'd only ever heard a 9 second snippet that seemed to be the only recording of her voice out there. This is great. Thanks for transcribing, also!

  17. virginia, your words are real beauty.
    stunning thoughts, great mind.

  18. And words become an not none word or a new one and never stop to live.Is most stupid to speak for the word,words something that all have in his mind and on his mouth all the time,but to say something for the meaninig of the word that is something else ,not a simple meaning but so kind of an spoken for evryone language,Than the word will came with a victory and will win over the sentance,becoming a king of the human existing.Alone or with something else,the word apears as the most important thing for a long time,for that thinking as something great and important,we must gave him a reason for existing.Simple, a simpe letter is still a word,word how think of a life.As i say word is better when is artistic oc intelectual,but is used in all kind.
    The importance of word once say is something that is not valuble,even writen one but still have the power over all.Streinght in the word write on an ancient stone or in a poem,is still the same think,gramma word,only the mind word can take a victory,from how even the first one will teach.
    Word something that is made for peoples to live.-Kosta Klfov
    Inspirate from the speach


  19. Thank you. I just wanted to know where to ship it since I know now to keep producing it



      Are you going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business,or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today for 2% interest rate via Email address: ( ) do not let these opportunity pass you by. Please these is for serious minded People,fill the form below and get back to us.

      Name :
      Address :
      Country :
      Occupation :
      Loan Amount Needed :
      Purpose of loan :
      Monthly Income :
      Phone Number :

      Kindly get back to us through our e-mail_ ( )

      CEO/Mr. Richard Brown.
      DIRECTOR/ CEO: Mr. Richard Brown.

  20. Fascinating, indeed! Thanks, for sharing.

  21. How wonderful to hear Woolf discuss our Dear Mother English. A delightfully inspiring piece of treasure, indeed.

  22. Thank you. I

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      My Name is Nicole Marie, I live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life, As i am a struggling mum with two kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bill for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i ran to my father and he was not able to help me, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a God fearing man (Mr Martinez Lexie) who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the Internet mostly Africa, but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt due to the fact that the company is from United State of America, and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of $82,000.00 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is ok and can walk, my family is happy and i said to myself that i will shout to the world the wonders this great and God fearing Man Mr Martinez Lexie did for me and my family; so if anyone is in genuine and serious need of a loan do contact this GOD fearing man via Email: ( ) or reach him through this number +1 (406) 946-0675 thanks

  23. Replies

      Are you going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business,or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today for 2% interest rate via Email address: ( ) do not let these opportunity pass you by. Please these is for serious minded People,fill the form below and get back to us.

      Name :
      Address :
      Country :
      Occupation :
      Loan Amount Needed :
      Purpose of loan :
      Monthly Income :
      Phone Number :

      Kindly get back to us through our e-mail_ ( )

      CEO/Mr. Richard Brown.
      DIRECTOR/ CEO: Mr. Richard Brown.

    2. Good day Loan Seekers Solution for your financial problems......
      We are a fully registered and certified loan firm, that offers secured and unsecured loans to individuals and companies at a very low interest rate of 2%. We offer long and short term loans.Our company has recorded a lot of breakthroughs in the provision of first class financial services to our clients, especially in the area of Loan syndication and capital provision for individuals and companies. We have brought ailing industries back to life and we back good business ideas by providing funds for their up start. We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations.We are a group of energetic and experienced loan professionals with thorough knowledge of financial markets.In general we offer mortgages, home loans business loans and bad credit loans commercial loans, start-up- working capital loans construction loans car loans, hotel loans Xmas loans Our interest rate is 2% per annual repaid, our loan takes a maximum of 3 working days to get to all approved customers across the globe.You can contact us via
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  24. This is absolutely exquisite. The recording is a jewel (to hear Virginia Woolf's voice!) and as I was transcribing what she said I realised you had done the work already — thank you!

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  27. Thanks a lot a lot for that transcript along with the yt video clip using the amazing saving involving Virginia's tone of voice... along with the wonderful graphics! Cours De Français Montréal

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  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. It is beautiful. I heard the audio clip somewhere before can't remember.



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    Cell Phone:_________________________
    Monthly income:____________________
    Purpose for Loan:___________________


    Have you been looking for a loan?Do you need an urgent personal or business loan?contact Dr Purva Pius Finance Home he help me with a loan of $300.000 some days ago after been scammed of $2500 from a woman claiming to been a loan lender but i thank God today that i got my loan worth $300.000.Feel free to contact the company for a genuine financial service. Email:(

    My name is Marissa Grace,I am a Citizen Of Angola.Have you been looking for a loan?Do you need an urgent personal or business loan?contact Dr Purva Pius Finance Home he help me with a loan of $300.000 some days ago after been scammed of $2500 from a woman claiming to been a loan lender but i thank God today that i got my loan worth $300.000.Feel free to contact the company for a genuine financial service. Email:(

  37. Apply For A Fast Money Loans
    Our fast quick cash loans are available to those that need money fast. We have short-term style loans, all the way up through installment loans, and many in the middle. We can help take away the stress and helpless feelings that often accompany not being able to pay your bills. Overdraft fees, and mounting late fees, can quickly overtake your finances and ruin your ability to make ends meet. That’s what short-term style loans are for. Most of the time, you’ll get your response from your application in seconds or minutes, and then can get the money you need put into your account the following business day. Contact us today via email; for more information about our loan programming and regulation.
    Mr Patrick Munro(MD)

  38. Hello Everyone, I am Celina Wheels a single mom from California USA, will like to share this great testimony on how i got my loan from Gordy's Loans when we were driven out of our home when i couldn't pay my bills anymore, After been scammed by various companies online and denied a loan by my bank and other some other credit union i visited. my children were taken by the foster care, i was all alone in the street. Until a day i shamefully walked into an old school mate who introduced me to Gordy's Loans. At first i told her that i am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore, but she assured me that i will received my loan from them. On a second thought i took due to my homelessness i took a trial and applied for the loan, luckily for me i received a loan of $50,000.00 from( Am happy i took the risk and applied for the loan. my kids have been given back to me and now i own a home and a business of my own. All gratitude goes to Gordy's loans for giving a meaning to my life when i had lost all hope. You can also reach them at: (864) 509-9524 and transform your life.

  39. Hello Everyone, I am Celina Wheels a single mom from California USA, will like to share this great testimony on how i got my loan from Gordy's Loans when we were driven out of our home when i couldn't pay my bills anymore, After been scammed by various companies online and denied a loan by my bank and other some other credit union i visited. my children were taken by the foster care, i was all alone in the street. Until a day i shamefully walked into an old school mate who introduced me to Gordy's Loans. At first i told her that i am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore, but she assured me that i will received my loan from them. On a second thought i took due to my homelessness i took a trial and applied for the loan, luckily for me i received a loan of $50,000.00 from( Am happy i took the risk and applied for the loan. my kids have been given back to me and now i own a home and a business of my own. All gratitude goes to Gordy's loans for giving a meaning to my life when i had lost all hope. You can also reach them at: (864) 509-9524 and transform your life.


  40. I am a private loan lender which have all take to be a genuine lender i give out the best loan to my client at a very convenient rate.The interest rate of this loan is 3%.i give out loan to public and private individuals.the maximum amount i give out in this loan is $1,000,000.00 USD why the minimum amount i give out is 5000.for more information contact us email

    Your Full Details:
    Full Name :………
    Country :………….
    Sex :………….
    Tel :………….
    Occupation :……..
    Amount Required :…………
    Purpose of the Loan :……..
    Loan Duration :…………
    Phone Number :………
    Contact email:

  41. My name is Mark Phillips, i live in Canada, i want to share with you how i got a loan from a honest and legitimate loan lender after been scammed by many fraudsters. For the past SIX months i have been searching for a private loan lender but i couldn't find a real one until last week Thursday when i met Dr Purva Pius, the managing director and CEO of Ace Loan Company, i applied for a loan of $10,000 and to my greatest surprise, i received a notification from my bank that i have been credited with a sum of $210,000 from Dr Purva Pius. i am so glad and i want you to know that he can also help you if you have any financial problems. if you need a loan you can contact him on
    below are his words of encouragement to those seeking for a legit and honest private loan lender.

    thank you


  42. Hello Everybody, My name is.Mrs.Juliet Quin. I live in Canada and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $ 73,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $ 73,000.00 Canada Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs.Juliet Quin that refer you to him. Contact Dr Purva Pius via email: reply to email (

  43. i want to appreciate jackson west of for helping me to get an urgentloan
    i have being scammed total of $6700 by different fake loan lenders and i was at a point of selling my properties to make ends meet. untill i saw a post on the internet on how a friend from germany got her loan from the firm guarantee trust loans and i also applied with same faith. and i got my loan with no stress after agreeing to the repayment terms and conditions of the firm. avoid internet scammers now!
    if you are in need for a loan to start up a buisness, car loan, medical bills, projects loans, education etc.
    contact the firm guarantee trust loans via email.

  44. Good day Loan Seekers Solution for your financial problems......

    We are a fully registered and certified loan firm, that offers secured and unsecured loans to individuals and companies at a very low interest rate of 2%. We offer long and short term loans.Our company has recorded a lot of breakthroughs in the provision of first class financial services to our clients, especially in the area of Loan syndication and capital provision for individuals and companies. We have brought ailing industries back to life and we back good business ideas by providing funds for their up start. We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations.We are a group of energetic and experienced loan professionals with thorough knowledge of financial markets.In general we offer mortgages, home loans business loans and bad credit loans commercial loans, start-up- working capital loans construction loans car loans, hotel loans Xmas loans Our interest rate is 2% per annual repaid, our loan takes a maximum of 3 working days,to get to all approved customers across the globe.You can contact us via or


  45. Hello Are you in any financial problem? Do you need quick Funds for Xmas so you can get back to business. Or you need funds to pay off your bills If-YES-do contact us back via Email:

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  47. Good Day !!

      I am JULIA NAVARO, CEO of NAVARO LOAN COMPANY a Reputable, Legitimate & an accredited money Lending company. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as we`ll be glad to offer loan at 2% interest rate to reliable individuals. The Services Rendered include: *Home Improvement *Inventor Loans *Car Loans *Debt Consolidation Loan *Line of Credit *Second Loan *Business Loans *Personal Loans *International Loans *education loans.  (No social security and no credit check, 100% Guaranteed!) I Look forward permitting me to be of service to you. You can contact me via e-mail: or text us on our mobile number (801) 610-7014....
    Yours Sincerely,
    Julia Navaro.

  48. Are you a business man or woman? Are you in financial mess or do you need funds to start your own business? Need a loan to pay off their debts or pay your bills or start a nice business? Do you have a low credit score and you will find it difficult to get loans from banks / other financial institutions? You need a loan or funding for any reason such as: E-mail:

    a) Personal Loan, Business Expansion,
    b) Business Start-up, Education,
    c) Debt Consolidation,
    d) Hard Money Loans

    We offer loans at interest rates lower than 2% and with no guarantees and collateral, we offer personal loans, debt consolidation loans, venture capital, business loans, education loans, mortgage or loan for any reason ".

    However, our method offers the possibility to determine the amount of loan needed and also the duration you can afford it, gives you a real chance to get the funds you need!

    Contact us via Email:
    Bacon Tasha Elizabeth®


  49. Are you a business man or woman? Are you in financial mess or do you need funds to start your own business? Need a loan to pay off their debts or pay your bills or start a nice business? Do you have a low credit score and you will find it difficult to get loans from banks / other financial institutions? You need a loan or funding for any reason such as: E-mail:

    1. Did you need an urgent financial help? did you need a loan? email us via: you can also contact us via facebook:

    BIO: My name is bernarlyn villamor. I am primarily a Commercial investor based out of the area. I am looking to connect with individual and companies in need of loan assistance.write back to me for a loan if you have not yet been credited with one i can help.

    Merry Xmas in advance

    I was not sure of getting a legit loan lender online But when i could not face my Debt any more, my son was on hospital bed for surgery that involve huge money and i also needed some money to refinance and get a good home then i have to seeks for Assistance from friends and when there was no hope any more i decide to go online to seek a loan and i find MARIAH AUSTIN Loan company ( with 2% interest Rate and applied immediately with my details as directed. Within seven Days of my application She wired my loan amount with No hidden charges and i could take care of my son medical bills, Renew my rent bill and pay off my debt. I will advice every loan seeker to contact Victoria Lawson Company with For easy and safe transaction.

    *Full Name:_________



    *loan amount:_________

    *Loan duration:_________


    *Purpose of loan:_________

    *Monthly Income:__________


    *Next of kins :_________

    *Email :_________

    Contact her company Via Email:

  52. Do you need a loan to pay off your bill or in need of financial help with a loan you can contact us now for a loan if you are serious in getting it surely we will help you out okay

  53. Do you need a loan to pay off your bill or in need of financial help with a loan you can contact us now for a loan if you are serious in getting it surely we will help you out okay

  54. i want to appreciate jackson west of for helping me to get an urgent loan i have being scammed total of $6700 by different fake loan lenders and i was at a point of selling my properties to make ends meet. until i saw a post on the internet on how a friend from germany got her loan from the firm guarantee trust loans and i also applied with same faith. and i got my loan with no stress after agreeing to the repayment terms and conditions of the firm. avoid internet scammers now!
    if you are in need for a loan to start up a business, car loan, medical bills, projects loans, education the firm guarantee trust loans via email.

  55. i want to appreciate jackson west of for helping me to get an urgent loan i have being scammed total of $6700 by different fake loan lenders and i was at a point of selling my properties to make ends meet. until i saw a post on the internet on how a friend from germany got her loan from the firm guarantee trust loans and i also applied with same faith. and i got my loan with no stress after agreeing to the repayment terms and conditions of the firm. avoid internet scammers now!
    if you are in need for a loan to start up a business, car loan, medical bills, projects loans, education the firm guarantee trust loans via email.

  56. Hello i am Tara Johnson and i live in lawton U.S and i am a single mom,i had financial problem and it was very bad but thank God for this private lender Mrs Shenelle Williams who help me with a loan of 50,000.00usd and now we are good all thanks to Mrs Williams.

    if you know that you are in need of an urgent loan i would advise you to Contact Mrs Shenelle williams at

    Thank You And God Bless

  57. Are you looking for a business loan? personal loan, house loan, car loan, student loan,debt consolidation loan, unsecured loans, venture capital, etc. .. Or have you been refused a loan by a bank or a financial institution for any reasons. I am john williams, a private lender, lending to businesses and individuals in a low and affordable interest rate of 2% interest rate. if Interested? Contact us today at ( and get your loan today

  58. Are you a business man or woman ? Are you in any financial mess or do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks/other financial institutes? We offer loans at 3% interest rate and we offer the following loans..interested person should please contact us via email :

  59. This is for those in need of financing for any purpose, we are a licensed company here in the states and a private financial firm and can lend nationwide and internationally with unbeatable interest rate and free services for those with bad credit score. for more info, call or SMS Mr. James Carl on 267-884-0582
    or simply email:

  60. Did you need an urgent financial help? did you need a loan? email us via: you can also contact us via facebook:

  61. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( +918376918351 Thank you.

  62. Are you in a huge financial crises and you need urgent help? Charity Corporation Africa has given each and everyone a chance to get a happy life and invest and make more money!!! We offer fast and easy approval for capable customer and a low interest rate of upto 3% interest rate. Interested persons can contact Mr Johnson


  63. FAST CLOSE DEAL FOR ANY TYPE OF LOAN APPLY TODAY !! @ ICC Mortgage And financial Services, Is a sincere and certified private Loan company approved by the Government, we give out international and local loans to all countries in the world,Amount given out $2,500 to $100,000,000 Dollars, Euro and Pounds.We offer loans with a dependable guarantee to all of our clients. Our loan interest rates are very low and affordable with a negotiable duration.

    Available now

    Apply for a loan today with your loan amount and duration, Its Easy and fast to get. 4% interest rates and monthly installment payments.


    Juan jones

  64. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( +918376918351 Thank you.


    1. Good day Audience,

      I am Carolyn V. Metnick,from Ohio USA, i want to use this great medium to announce this lender Elvin Morrison who is really a God sent to my family. few months back i was in search of a loan from the internet where i was scammed of $3250.00, i never thought i will ever apply for a loan on the internet again before i met a post about this lender made by one Maury who also got a loan from them, then i took a try again, after loan processing i was ask to provide my banking details which i did and to my greatest surprise i was granted a loan of $45,000.00 at first i thought it was a joke until i got to the bank to confirm and it was true, i was overwhelmed with joy. so i want you all who desire a loan and are capable of paying back the funds at the due time to contact: or on our web page or call us on +13072132540 and be a partaker of my testimony ....

  65. This is to Inform the General public that Danielle Daniel Is currently giving out Xmas loan to Customers at a low interest of 2%. If Interested, go ahead and contact Her on

    Fill and return this loan application form asap if interested
    Your Full Name:
    Amount Needed:
    Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd)
    Marital status:
    Next Of Kin:
    Monthly Income:
    Loan Duration:
    Have you applied for a Loan Before:

    This loan firm is based in United States of America and is from a Real source, So this is for serious Loan seekers that are ready to utilize the loan amount and pay back at the agreed period of time.

  66. Are you a business man or woman? Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? Do you need funds to finance your project? We Offers guaranteed loan services of any amount and to any part of the world for (Individuals, Companies, Realtor and Corporate Bodies) at our superb interest rate of 2%. For application and more information send replies to the following E-mail address:


  67. Good day Audience,

    I am Carolyn V. Metnick,from Ohio USA, i want to use this great medium to announce this lender Elvin Morrison who is really a God sent to my family. few months back i was in search of a loan from the internet where i was scammed of $3250.00, i never thought i will ever apply for a loan on the internet again before i met a post about this lender made by one Maury who also got a loan from them, then i took a try again, after loan processing i was ask to provide my banking details which i did and to my greatest surprise i was granted a loan of $45,000.00 at first i thought it was a joke until i got to the bank to confirm and it was true, i was overwhelmed with joy. so i want you all who desire a loan and are capable of paying back the funds at the due time to contact: or on our web page or call us on +13072132540 and be a partaker of my testimony ....

  68. Hello friends!!! My name is Marissa Mayer,from Ohio USA. i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by Fake Internet lenders, they all promise to give me a mortgage after making me pay a lot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 5,650 US D. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony of a woman woman who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit mortgage company called Bernard Investment Limited Loan Company and email ( ) where she finally got her mortgage, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by Fake lenders who did nothing but to caused me more pain. I Explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my mortgage in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them.filled the mortgage application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and to my shock I was given mortgage amount of 100,000.00 US D by this great Company (Bernard Investment Limited} managed by Aliton Bernard Jones a God fearing Man, and here i am today happy because this company has given me a mortgage so made a promise to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my mortgage. Do you need a mortgage urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your own Mortage via ( am happy today cause he has put a smile on my face i pray God Rewards his good works..............

  69. Hello friends!!! My name is Marissa Mayer,from Ohio USA. i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by Fake Internet lenders, they all promise to give me a mortgage after making me pay a lot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 5,650 US D. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony of a woman woman who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit mortgage company called Bernard Investment Limited Loan Company and email ( ) where she finally got her mortgage, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by Fake lenders who did nothing but to caused me more pain. I Explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my mortgage in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them.filled the mortgage application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and to my shock I was given mortgage amount of 100,000.00 US D by this great Company (Bernard Investment Limited} managed by Aliton Bernard Jones a God fearing Man, and here i am today happy because this company has given me a mortgage so made a promise to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my mortgage. Do you need a mortgage urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your own Mortage via ( am happy today cause he has put a smile on my face i pray God Rewards his good works..............

  70. This is to Inform the General public that Danielle Daniel Is currently giving out Xmas loan to Customers at a low interest of 2%. If Interested, go ahead and contact Her on

    Fill and return this loan application form asap if interested
    Your Full Name:
    Amount Needed:
    Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd)
    Marital status:
    Next Of Kin:
    Monthly Income:
    Loan Duration:
    Have you applied for a Loan Before:

    This loan firm is based in United States of America and is from a Real source, So this is for serious Loan seekers that are ready to utilize the loan amount and pay back at the agreed period of time.


    Hello Everybody, here comes an Affordable Xmas loan Offer that will change your life forever, TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT A LOAN TO CHANGE THE BROKE LIFE OF MY FAMILY My name is Mrs Clency Dexter. I live in USA Florida and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Broke Life and that of my family, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. They gave happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as a widow with 3 kids I meant this honest and GOD fearing loan lending company online that helped me with a loan of $250,000.00 U.S. Dollar, They are indeed GOD fearing People, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact them and please tell them that Mrs, Clency referred you to them. contact via E_mail:



    We’ve provided over $180 million in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 72 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5000 to a maximum of $500 million.

    We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.
    Contact us today via:
    Mobile number: +1(281)941-8845
    Get your instant loan approval today.

  73. Attention!!!
    DO need an urgent loan for X-mas here is a way to get your loan that you have been looking for in a good rate%
    I am Mrs Juliet Johnson a private loan lender. we are given out all kinds of loan, we give out loans at a low interest rate of 3% and good working conditions, if you need a loan then you are advised to contact us for we render quality services that will make you satisfied. email:

    we render all kinds of loan in good services, contact us via email:
    Mrs Juliet Johnson

  74. Welcome to Thomas Credit Firm, I am an international business man and Lender that has offered Loans to so various individual and firms in Europe, Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. We give out our Loan for a interest rate of 2% per annul for a minimum of 100.00 to a maximum of 100,000,000.00 rubles, dollars, pounds, euros, etc. The maximum loan term we can offer is 30 Years at fixed interest rate.
    Available Loans
    * Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    * Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    * Combination Loan (Secure and unsecured)
    * Consolidation Loan (Secure and unsecured)
    * Mortgage Loans (Secure and unsecured)

    Interested candidates should please contact us today for your online quick and easy loan without collateral deposits. Email:


  75. Hello Every One, I am Mrs Emily Logan From Texas U.S.A, I
    quickly want to use this medium to shear a testimony on
    how God directed me to a Legit and real loan lender who
    have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being
    poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and
    wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so
    many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was
    scammed the sum of $5,200 i became so desperate in
    getting a loan from a legit loan lender online who will not
    add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine
    who recently got a loan online, we discussed about the
    issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called
    Mr DAVID REYNOLDS who is the C.E.O of
    So i applied for a loan sum of(320,000.00USD) with low interest rate of 2%, so the
    was approved easily without stress and all the preparations
    where made concerning the loan transfer and in less than
    two(2) days the loan was deposited into my bank so i want
    to advice any one in need of a loan to quickly contact him
    via: ( he does not
    know am doing this i pray that God will bless him for the
    good things he has done in my life....

  76. Hello ladies and gentlemen, young and old, if you have problems that money can solve,or you need an urgent loan, you don't have to worry anymore okay, all you have to do is to contact us now via email as
    so that we can help you out okay.....
    welcome we love you...
    Mr Lucky

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good day Loan Seekers Solution for your financial problems......
      We are a fully registered and certified loan firm, that offers secured and unsecured loans to individuals and companies at a very low interest rate of 2%. We offer long and short term loans.Our company has recorded a lot of breakthroughs in the provision of first class financial services to our clients, especially in the area of Loan syndication and capital provision for individuals and companies. We have brought ailing industries back to life and we back good business ideas by providing funds for their up start. We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations.We are a group of energetic and experienced loan professionals with thorough knowledge of financial markets.In general we offer mortgages, home loans business loans and bad credit loans commercial loans, start-up- working capital loans construction loans car loans, hotel loans Xmas loans Our interest rate is 2% per annual repaid, our loan takes a maximum of 3 working days to get to all approved customers across the globe.You can contact us via

      (307) 213-2540

  78. Do you need a loan to start up a business or to pay off your bills?

    I am Martin Grimes a legitimate loan lender created to help people in need of financial assistance for personal, business and other purposes. So are you going through financial difficulties? Or in any financial mess? I am here to help. I give out loan from $ 5,000 to $9,000,000.00 and any other currency at the rate of 3% interest rate. Easy documentation, Quick loan processing, No collateral required, flexible repayment. If you are interested to get a loan from us, please contact us via our email to get your Loan application form and terms and conditions.

    Thank you.

  79. I’m Henry Donald by name. I live in CANADA, i want to use this medium to alert all loan seekers to be very careful because there are scam everywhere.Few months ago I was financially strained, and due to my desperation I was scammed by several online lenders. I had almost lost hope until a friend of mine referred me to a very reliable lender called HENRY LOANS COMPANY FROM USA who lend me an unsecured loan of $50,000 under 3hours without any stress. If you are in need of any kind of loan just contact him now via: I‘m using this medium to alert all loan seekers because of the hell I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent lenders. And I don’t wish even my enemy to pass through such hell that I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent online lenders,i will also want you to help me pass this information to others who are also in need of a loan once you have also receive your loan from HENRY LOANS COMPANY FROM USA, i pray that God should give him long life. Email;


  80. We offer the right solution to your financial needs.We stand apart from other lenders because we believe in customer service,and we stay with you until you get the results you want.In general we offer home loans,car loans,hotel loans, commercial loans,business loans,e.t.c, at lower interest rate of 3%. Contact us (

  81. Good day Loan Seekers Solution for your financial problems......
    We are a fully registered and certified loan firm, that offers secured and unsecured loans to individuals and companies at a very low interest rate of 2%. We offer long and short term loans.Our company has recorded a lot of breakthroughs in the provision of first class financial services to our clients, especially in the area of Loan syndication and capital provision for individuals and companies. We have brought ailing industries back to life and we back good business ideas by providing funds for their up start. We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations.We are a group of energetic and experienced loan professionals with thorough knowledge of financial markets.In general we offer mortgages, home loans business loans and bad credit loans commercial loans, start-up- working capital loans construction loans car loans, hotel loans Xmas loans Our interest rate is 2% per annual repaid, our loan takes a maximum of 3 working days to get to all approved customers across the globe.You can contact us via

    (307) 213-2540

  82. Good day Loan Seekers Solution for your financial problems......
    We are a fully registered and certified loan firm, that offers secured and unsecured loans to individuals and companies at a very low interest rate of 2%. We offer long and short term loans.Our company has recorded a lot of breakthroughs in the provision of first class financial services to our clients, especially in the area of Loan syndication and capital provision for individuals and companies. We have brought ailing industries back to life and we back good business ideas by providing funds for their up start. We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations.We are a group of energetic and experienced loan professionals with thorough knowledge of financial markets.In general we offer mortgages, home loans business loans and bad credit loans commercial loans, start-up- working capital loans construction loans car loans, hotel loans Xmas loans Our interest rate is 2% per annual repaid, our loan takes a maximum of 3 working days to get to all approved customers across the globe.You can contact us via

    (307) 213-2540


  83. Are you a business man or woman? Are you in a financial mess or do You need funds to start your own business? Need to pay loans Their Debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? Do you have a low credit score and you will find it hard to get Capital loan from local banks / other financial institutions? You need one Loan or funding for any reason such

    *Personal Loans
    *Commercial Loans
    *Investments Loans
    *Development Loans
    *Consolidation Loans
    *Student Loans
    *Car Loans
    *Mortgage Loans
    *Acquisition Loans
    *Construction loans

    We offer loan at low interest rate of 3% and with collateral and not Collateral, we offer personal loans, debt consolidation loans, venture capital Capital, business loan, education loan, mortgage or Loans for any reason".

    However, our method offers the possibility to specify the amount of the loan needed and also the duration you can afford it, gives you a real Chance get the funds you need!

    Contact us via
    Bacon Tasha Elizabeth®

  84. If getting a loan from your bank isn't easy, you need a new bank. Cut the long story short. No Guarantor, No Collaterals, No Stories and make your loan happen fast, simple and convenient. Convenient Repayment Terms and We give out long term loan for five to fifty years maximum. We offer the following kinds of
    loans and many more;

    * Xmas Loans
    * Personal Loans (Unsecured Loan)
    * Business Loans (Unsecured Loan)
    * Consolidation Loan
    * Combination Loan
    * Home Improvement
    * Commercial Loans.
    * Investments Loans.
    * Development Loans.
    * Acquisition Loans.
    * Construction loans.
    * Business Loans And many More:

    For more information please call +2348103539736 or send an email to

    Terms & Conditions apply

    Best Regards,
    Yours in service
    Mr. Ladi Balogun
    (C.E.O of FCMB)


  85. Are you a business man or woman? Are you in a financial mess or do You need funds to start your own business? Need to pay loans Their Debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? Do you have a low credit score and you will find it hard to get Capital loan from local banks / other financial institutions? You need one Loan or funding for any reason such as:Email:

    *Personal Loans
    *Commercial Loans
    *Investments Loans
    *Development Loans
    *Consolidation Loans
    *Student Loans
    *Car Loans
    *Mortgage Loans
    *Acquisition Loans
    *Construction loans

    We offer loan at low interest rate of 3% and with collateral and not Collateral, we offer personal loans, debt consolidation loans, venture capital Capital, business loan, education loan, mortgage or Loans for any reason".

    However, our method offers the possibility to specify the amount of the loan needed and also the duration you can afford it, gives you a real Chance get the funds you need!

    Contact us via E-mail:
    Bacon Tasha Elizabeth®

    I was not sure of getting a legit loan lender online But when i could not face my Debt any more and my son was on hospital bed for surgery that involve huge money then i have to seeks for Assistance from friends and when there was no hope any more i decide to go online to seek a loan and i find Victoria Lawson Loan company ( with 2% interest Rate and applied immediately with my details as directed. Within seven Days of my application She wired my loan amount with No hidden charges and i could take care of my son medical bills, Renew my rent bill and pay off my debt. I will advice every loan seeker to contact Victoria Lawson Loan Company with For easy and safe transaction.


  87. Apply for a quick and affordable loan with Barry Jones Finance Company.
    Are you in need of a loan, or have you been turn down by your bank before, this is the opportunity you are looking for. We offer all kinds of loan like business loan, car loan, company loan, venture capital, home loan, student loan or any loan of your choice at 2% interest rate. Interested persons should contact us at This email address:


    My name is Julie Garwood from UK and i want to recommend you to the world best know online loan lender Garzon Wilson managing the Garzon Firm who helped me get a quick loan as the local bank here in UK was to claim my house as the collateral i placed when i first took a loan from them.The steps was so easy that a friend of mine also applied from them and have also gotten hers, This might sound funny but i love you Garzon Wilson, you saved me from the bank and now we still have the a roof over our head and i have used part of the loan to start up a business in which i am earning well now to repay back the loan, Contact him if you are needed loan at


  89. Good Day, I'm Mason Diego. A reputable, legitimate & accredited lender. We give out loan of all kinds in a very fast and easy way, Personal Loan, Car Loan, Home Loan, Student Loan, Business Loan, Inventor loan, Debt Consolidation. etc

    Get approved for a business or personal loans today and get funds within same week of application. These personal loans can be approved regardless of your credit and there are lots of happy customers to back up this claim. But you won’t only get the personal loan you need; you will get the cheapest one. This is our promise: We guarantee The lowest rate for all loans with free collateral benefits. We strive to leave a positive lasting impression by exceeding the expectations of my customers in everything I do. Our goal is to treat you with dignity and respect while providing the highest quality service in a timely manner.

    No social security Number required and no credit check required, 100% Guaranteed.

    To Apply Email: or ( or reach us through this number (406) 946-0675 thanks


    Hello my dear people , I am Anita Frank, currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in April 2015 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit ,do not full prey to those hoodlums at there that call them self money lender they are all scam , all they want is your money and you well not hear from them again they have done it to me twice before I met Mr. Wilson Edwards the most interesting part of it is that my loan was transfer to me within 74hours so I will advice you to contact Mr. Edwards if you are interested in getting loan and you are sure you can pay him back on time you can contact him via email……… ( No credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral then contact Mr. Wilson Edwards today for your loan
    They offer all kind of categories of loan they
    Short term loan (5_10years)
    Long term loan (20_40)
    Media term loan(10_20)
    They offer loan like
    Home loan............., Business loan........ Debt loan .......
    Student loan..........,Business start up loan
    Business loan....... , Company loan.............. etc
    Email..........( )
    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then Wilson Edwards loan financial is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Anita Frank direct you Good Luck.......................

  91. Hello

    do you need urgent loan?
    Need a business loan?
    Need personal loan?
    Need a loan for your investment?
    Need a loan to finance your business?
    get back to us now for information with our company email (

  92. get your Affordable XMAS loan that will change your life for ever,I am Dr. barry a certified loan lender,I offer loan to individual and public sector that are in need of financial Assistance in a low interest rate of 2%. Bad credit acceptable,The Terms and Conditions are very simple and considerate.You will never regret anything in this loan transaction because i will make you smile.Our company has recorded a lot of breakthroughs in the provision of first class financial services to our clients, especially in the area of Loan syndication and capital provision for individuals and companies.We have brought ailing industries back to life and we back good business ideas by providing funds for their up start.We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations.i want you to understand the fact that i Dr.barry is out to help the less financial privilege get back on track by providing all type of loans to them (E.G) mortgages,home loans business loans and bad credit loans commercial loans,start-up- working capital loans, construction loans,car loans,hotel loans,and student loans,personal loans, Debts Consolidation Loans,what are you waiting for asap why don’t you try Dr.barry Loan home and be free from debts any interested client should contact me asap (


  93. Hello Ladies/Gentelmen

    Getting a legitimate loan have always been a huge problem To clients who have financial needs. The issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always worried about when seeking a loan from a legitimate lender. But Owen Davidson Loan Company. has made that difference in the lending industry.Owen Davidson Loan Company has been accredited by the lender’s council to give out loans to local and international clients at 2% rate . We have been given the privilege to meet your financial needs. The issue of credit shouldn’t stop you from getting the loan that you need.

    Our Services Include the Following:-
    *Investors Loans
    *Debt Consolidation
    *Second Mortgage
    *Business Loans
    *Personal Loans
    *International Loans
    No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. Owen Davidson Loan Company, say yes when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan from us: Kindly respond immediately to this

    Loan Application Details

    Loan Amount:
    Loan duration:
    Monthly income:
    Marital Status:
    Purpose of Loan:

    NOTE:You shall receive the loan conditions and terms once we received your
    filled loan form so i look forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards

    Mr Owen Davidson

  94. Hello,
    Are you tired of Seeking Loans and Mortgages, have you been turned
    down constantly By your banks and other Financial Institutions or
    micro finance scheme. This is to let you know with 100% guarantee that
    we Offer loans ranging from $ 2,000 to $ 500,000,000 at 3% interest
    rate per Month. We give out LOANS for developing business a
    competitive edge/business expansion.
    Be rest assure that We are certified, trustworthy, reliable,
    efficient, Fast and dynamic. and a co-operate financier for real
    estate and any kinds of business financing, we give out long term loan
    for 6 Month to 30 years maximum and all interest rate and calculate
    and allow to be pay annually.
    We offer the following kinds of loans and many more; We offer the
    following loans to individuals-

    *Personal Loans
    *Commercial Loans
    *Investments Loans
    *Development Loans
    *Consolidation Loans
    *Student Loans
    *Car Loans
    *Mortgage Loans
    *Acquisition Loans
    *Construction loans
    *Business Loans
    And many More: If you are highly interested in our loan offer, kindly
    contact us via our e-mail id below.

    Mr Owen Davidson


  95. Greetings to you all! My name is Mr Abdul Majeed, a private and reputable loan lender. I render all kind of loan to individuals with an interest rate of 3% with a repayment length of 1 to 30 years maximum. A lot of people have benefited from my loan offer and it have change their lifestyle positively giving them the opportunity to create their own business.
    I render loan such business loan, agricultural loan, education loan, house loan, automobile loan, etc. If you are in need of a loan, kindly fill the borrower form below with your valid details and reply back for more information at

    Full Name:
    Home Address:
    Amount Needed:
    Currency Needed:
    Loan Duration:
    Monthly income:
    Phone: Number:
    Purpose for Loan:
    Website you saw our ads:

    Note: All reply should be forwarded only to for immediate attention.

  96. This is extremely helpful info!! Very good work. Everything is very interesting to learn and easy to understood. Thank you for giving information.
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  97. DEAR ESTEEMED LOAN SEEKER,AM MRS VERA MORGAN, Are you in any kind of financial problem,Do you need a loan to pay off your bills, or you do not know whom to trust or where to go or have you been denied by your banks for loan worry no more if yes you can contact us today if you need loan to pay off your debts we offer all kinds and types of loans with easy Repayment at the lowest rate of 2%. We offer loans in all currencies and We give out loans from the lowest amount of $1000.00 to the maximum amount of $50,000.00 usd for our first timers. via Email: VERAOSAGUO@OUTLOOK.COM.
    Full name:
    Marital status:
    Monthly income:
    Next of Kin::
    Loan Amount Required:
    Loan duration:
    Purpose of loan: Email: VERAOSAGUO@OUTLOOK.COM

  98. DEAR ESTEEMED LOAN SEEKER,AM MRS VERA MORGAN, Are you in any kind of financial problem,Do you need a loan to pay off your bills, or you do not know whom to trust or where to go or have you been denied by your banks for loan worry no more if yes you can contact us today if you need loan to pay off your debts we offer all kinds and types of loans with easy Repayment at the lowest rate of 2%. We offer loans in all currencies and We give out loans from the lowest amount of $1000.00 to the maximum amount of $50,000.00 usd for our first timers. via Email: VERAOSAGUO@OUTLOOK.COM.
    Full name:
    Marital status:
    Monthly income:
    Next of Kin::
    Loan Amount Required:
    Loan duration:
    Purpose of loan: Email: VERAOSAGUO@OUTLOOK.COM

  99. Hi, My name is MRS NANCY PETER. I am a private lender who give out loan to private and corporate individuals. Have you been turned down by so many banks? Do you need finance to establish your business? Do you need finance for the expansion of you business? Or do you need a personal loan? expansion of you business? Or do you need a personal loan? My loan ranges from personal to business loan. My interest rate is very affordable and our loan process is very fast as well. I am very willing to make all your financial troubles a well. I am very willing to make all your financial thing of the past. If you are really ready to get your financial troubles a problems solved,Then search no further and apply for a loan today.
    Reply Email:NANCYPETER37@GMAIL.COM Borrower information in the information.

    Full names ..........
    Your occupation ..........
    Sex ........
    Your country ........
    Status .........
    Monthly wage .........
    The loan amount Needed ..........
    Pay back duration ..........
    Telephone number ..........
    Age .............

  100. We offer private, commercial and personal loans with very low annual interest rates as low as 2% in one year to 50 years repayment period anywhere in the world. We offer loans ranging from $ 5,000 to USA $ 100 million.
    Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority. Are you losing sleep at nights worrying how to get a legitimate loan lender? Are you biting your fingernails to the quick? Instead of hitting you, contact Mark Moel Home Loan (Loan Services) now, the specialists who help stop the bad credit history loans, to find a solution that victory is our mission.
    Applicants must complete the application form following loan:
    Your name and surname *
    Your email *
    Your telephone number *
    Your address *
    Your City *
    State / Province *
    country *
    Sex *
    Date of birth *
    Have an account? *
    You have applied before? *
    Loan Amount Needed *
    Length of Loan *
    Purpose of Loan *
    Send me a scanned copy of your ID: *
    Lender E-mail:
    Mr.Mark Moel.

  101. i want to appreciate jackson west of for helping me to get an urgent loan i have been scammed total of $6700 by different fake loan lenders and i was at a point of selling my properties to make ends meet. until i saw a post on the internet on how a friend from Germany got her loan from the firm guarantee trust loans and i also applied with same faith. and i got my loan with no stress after agreeing to the repayment terms and conditions of the firm. avoid internet scammers now!
    if you are in need for a loan to start up a business, car loan, medical bills, projects loans, education etc. contact the firm access credits via

      I am Anna Ruben from United state of America, i stayed in Alabama, and i have a broke up business, until i found this company email who help me to gain a loan for business and now i want to used this short medium to thank the company for the fast and safe money they loan to me without any form of issue or delay, i loan 98,000.00USD form the company to save my business and lots more, i saw their mail on the internet, everyone always give testimony for what they did, so i quickly contacted them and they did everything for me without stress and my money was sent to my account 24hrs later, i was surprise and feel glad, now i now have a standard business control agent who help me and i will advice those who need urgent loan to contact them at [] or cal him on his cell (347)707-8926 , he is a Good man and I know that he will help you immediately.



    Have you been denied loan by banks and other financial bodies? Then
    contact us now as we provide unsecured loans at a minimized interest
    rate of 3% within the shortest period, in order to meet the financial
    request of our numerous applicants.To apply, send down the details
    below via the following email--------
    1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
    2. Telephone Numbers:……….
    3. Address and Location:…….
    4. Amount in request………..
    5. Repayment Period:………..
    6. Purpose Of Loan………….
    7. country…………………
    8. phone…………………..
    9. occupation………………

    Mr Owen Davidson



  103. Hello

    Have you been denied by your bank or any other financial
    institution,worry no more because

    this company gives out loans at 3% for our customers who are willing
    to pay more in the next few years ..
    are you interested in applying for any loan, listed below, kindly
    send an email to (
    We offer the following type of loans;
    * Credit ..
    * Personal Loans ..
    * Business loans ..
    * Investment Loans ..
    * Development Loans ..
    * Purchase Loans ..
    * Construction loans ..
    * Loans for buying a car ..
    * Debt Consolidation Loans ..
    * International Loans ..
    * Student Loans and much more without any delay ....
    Apply and receive the loan within 48 hours .. Don t miss !!
    We are waiting for your mail ......

    Mr Owen Davidson


  104. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.

  105. Good morning
    Are you looking for a very genuine loan?
    Applicants for loans, greetings from wintrust Mortgage Company
    We are certified loan lender,
    Do you want financial assistance in your business?
    Do you want to buy your dream house and car?
    Do you want to start up a business and you don't know where to start from?
    Have you been turned down constantly by your banks and other financial institutions?
    worry no more because we give out loan At an affordable interest rate of 3%? Processed within 24 hours. We give out loans within the range of 5,000 to 100,000,000 USD, Email:

    We look forward to listen

  106. we give out loan of all kinds in a very fast and easy way, Home loan, Student loan, Xmas Loan,Business loan, Investor loan etc.we offer loan to every individuals, firms, and company that are in need of financial assistance in a low interest rate of 3%. contact us, OR call now +918447735310


    Hello my dear people , I am Anita Frank, currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in April 2015 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit ,do not full prey to those hoodlums at there that call them self money lender they are all scam , all they want is your money and you well not hear from them again they have done it to me twice before I met Mr. Wilson Edwards the most interesting part of it is that my loan was transfer to me within 74hours so I will advice you to contact Mr. Edwards if you are interested in getting loan and you are sure you can pay him back on time you can contact him via email……… ( No credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral then contact Mr. Wilson Edwards today for your loan
    They offer all kind of categories of loan they
    Short term loan (5_10years)
    Long term loan (20_40)
    Media term loan(10_20)
    They offer loan like
    Home loan............., Business loan........ Debt loan .......
    Student loan..........,Business start up loan
    Business loan....... , Company loan.............. etc
    Email..........( )
    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then Wilson Edwards loan financial is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Anita Frank direct you Good Luck.......................

  108. $$$ Loan apply now with 3% interest rate for more details $$$
    Are you looking for a Loan to enlarge your business? Do you need loan to pay off your debt and start a new life? You have come to the right place were we offer Loans at a very low interest rate of 3%. Interested people/company should please contact us via email for more details and get funded.

    Application For loan.
    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Date Of Birth:
    Phone No:
    Zip Code:
    Monthly Income:
    Amount Needed:
    Purpose of the loan:
    E-mail address:


  109. I am a private loan lender which have all take to be a genuine lender i give out the best loan to my client at a very convenient rate.The interest rate of this loan is 3%.i give out loan to public and private individuals.the maximum amount i give out in this loan is $1,000,000.00 USD why the minimum amount i give out is 5000.for more information contact us Email

    Your Full Details:
    Full Name :………
    Country :………….
    Sex :………….
    Tel :………….
    Occupation :……..
    Amount Required :…………
    Purpose of the Loan :……..
    Loan Duration :…………
    Phone Number :………
    Contact Email

  110. Hello, Good day to everybody reading this,

    My name is Elizabeth Forbes from United States. I want to thank Mr John Michaels who helped me to get a loan. For the past three months, I have been searching for a loan to settle my debts, everyone tried to dupe me of my money until I finally met Mr John. He was able to give me a loan of $10,000 USD. He can also help you. He has also helped some other colleagues of mine. If you need any financial help, kindly contact his company through email: I believe he can help you. Contact him to get help just as he helped me. below are his words of encouragement to those seeking for a legit and honest private loan lender.

    "Do you need a loan to pay off credits and debts? Do you need finance to set up your own business? Do you need loans to carry out large projects? Do you need college loan? Do you need funding for other various purpose? email:"

    Thank you for reading and good luck.


    I am Anna Ruben from United state of America, i stayed in Alabama, and i have a broke up business, until i found this company email who help me to gain a loan for business and now i want to used this short medium to thank the company for the fast and safe money they loan to me without any form of issue or delay, i loan 98,000.00USD form the company to save my business and lots more, i saw their mail on the internet, everyone always give testimony for what they did, so i quickly contacted them and they did everything for me without stress and my money was sent to my account 24hrs later, i was surprise and feel glad, now i now have a standard business control agent who help me and i will advice those who need urgent loan to contact them at [] or cal him on his cell (347)707-8926 , he is a Good man and I know that he will help you immediately.

  113. Our Personal loan is by far the most popular loan facility that we offer. As the name “Personal Loan” suggests, we customise our loans to specifically cater to the

    needs of each and every customer. In line with our commitment to offer loans tailored for every customer, we are flexible with both the loan amount as well as the

    repayment structure. Email Us Now (

    Do you require cash urgently?
    Do not hesitate further!
    Apply with us now online by submitting your loan application

    loan Amount ...........
    loan Duration...........
    phone number.......
    full name........
    Have you apply before:................

    With Regard,
    Ben William

  114. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.

  115. i want to appreciate jackson west of for helping me to get an urgent loan i have been scammed total of $6700 by different fake loan lenders and i was at a point of selling my properties to make ends meet. until i saw a post on the internet on how a friend from Germany got her loan from the firm access credits and i also applied with same faith. and i got my loan with no stress after agreeing to the repayment terms and conditions of the firm. avoid internet scammers now!
    if you are in need for a loan to start up a business, car loan, medical bills, projects loans, education etc. contact the firm access credits via

  116. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.

  117. Do you need Business or personal Loan?
    Do you wish to refinance your company?Our company is based in Asia, Africa, and Europe. We give out loan to any individual and company at 3% interest rate yearly. For more information email us at ( fill in the information:

    loan Amount ...........
    loan Duration...........
    phone number.......
    full name........
    Have you apply before:................

    With Regard,
    Asia Found Aids

  118. Hello Everybody, here comes an Affordable Xmas loan Offer that will change your life forever, TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT A LOAN TO CHANGE THE BROKE LIFE OF MY FAMILY My name is Mrs Margret McColister . I live in USA Florida and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Broke Life and that of my family, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. They gave happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as a widow with 3 kids I meant this honest and GOD fearing loan lending company online that helped me with a loan of $250,000.00 U.S. Dollar, They are indeed GOD fearing People, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact them and please tell them that Mrs Margret referred you to them. contact via


  119. Do you need a loan to consolidate your debt? Are you in need of a loan
    to finance or expand your business? or for car purchase, buying a
    house and other personal loans etc we give long term loan for five to
    fifty years maximum with 3% interest. You are 100% Guaranteed.
    contact us via email reply to email (


    Full Name:________________________
    Date of Birth:______________________
    Home Address:______________________
    Amount Needed:______________________
    Loan Duration:_______________________
    Cell Phone:_________________________
    Monthly income:____________________
    Purpose for Loan:___________________

  120. Good day Audience,

    I am Carolyn V. Metnick,from Ohio USA, i want to use this great medium to announce this lender Elvin Morrison who is really a God sent to my family. few months back i was in search of a loan from the internet where i was scammed of $3250.00, i never thought i will ever apply for a loan on the internet again before i met a post about this lender made by one Maury who also got a loan from them, then i took a try again, after loan processing i was ask to provide my banking details which i did and to my greatest surprise i was granted a loan of $45,000.00 at first i thought it was a joke until i got to the bank to confirm and it was true, i was overwhelmed with joy. so i want you all who desire a loan and are capable of paying back the funds at the due time to contact: or on our web page or call them on +13072132540 and be a partaker of my testimony ....

  121. Good day,.

    You are welcome to the Detlev Jonas investment Achievement. This loan agency is owned by the

    Christian Church and is set to help the needy to poverty and suffering can be definitively

    eradicated from the world. We are registered and regulated by the Authority of borrowing money and

    all our financial transactions are overseen by the government.

    We offer both personal and business loans capital base between the amounts of $ 5,000.00 to $

    500,000,000.00 US dollars, European Euro or GB pounds for individuals, businesses and cooperate

    bodies irrespective of their marital status, sex, religion and the location, but you have a legal

    means to repay the loan in the stipulated time, and must be trustworthy with interest rates as low

    as 3%.

    If this meets your expectations, then we can move on, I'd like you to tell the exact amount you are

    applying for such loan and the urgency of this transaction for additional procedures that you need

    to fill and submit the required information below:

    Contact us via email:


    Name of applicant:
    * Address of applicant:
    * City:
    * State:
    * Country:
    * Gender:
    * Marital status:
    * Age:
    * Rate Monthly income:
    * Occupation:
    * Tel: / Mobile:
    * Mobile:
    * Amount Requested:
    * Length of Loan:
    * Purpose of loan:
    * Do you speak English:
    * Email:

    We await your response.

    Yours sincerely.

  122. Are you a business man or woman ? Are you in any financial
    mess or do you need funds to start up your own business?
    Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or
    start a nice business? We offer loans at
    3% interest rate.
    contact us via email:

  123. Dear Applicant,

    We give loan to private company and individuals. You can find some vital information about the loan we offer below. In getting a loan from our company, there are some information we need to pass across to you before we can proceed to the application process . INTEREST RATE: In the loan we offer, we do charge 3% Interest rate . AMOUNT GIVEN: We Give Out A Minimum Amount Of $1,000.00 USD to A Maximum of $100,000,000.00 USD INFORMATION NEEDED: As for the information needed, you will need to fill an application which contains your personal information and also the loan information, this will help us give you a full documentation of the loan terms and agreement contract which you will be expected to sign and send back to the company for approval if satisfied. Email Us: (

    HOW DO I APPLY? Please fill this application form below:

    Full Name:....................
    Phone Number:...........
    Loan Amount :...........
    Monthly income:..........
    Occupation:................... ....
    Loan Period:....................... ................
    Purpose of Loan:......................... ...........
    E-mail address:...................... ................
    Have You Applied Before?....................

    We awaits your urgent application form to be filled ok. Email Us: ( +18027500039

    With Best Regards.


    Hello friends!!! My name is Karen Louise. i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 2 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay alot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 7,280.00USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony woman who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Claudia Crayton Loan Company and email ( ) where she finally got her loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 2 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and to my shock I was given a loan amount of $50,000.00US Dollars by this great Company (Claudia Crayton Loan Company) managed by Mrs Claudia Crayton a God fearing woman and here i am today happy because this company has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your loan via email: she is kind hearten.

    i remain Karen Louise............

  125. Do you need a loan to consolidate your debt? Are you in need of a loan
    to finance or expand your business? or for car purchase, buying a
    house and other personal loans ETC we give long term loan for five to
    fifty years maximum with 3% interest. You are 100% Guaranteed.
    contact us via email reply to email (


    Full Name:________________________
    Date of Birth:______________________
    Home Address:______________________
    Amount Needed:______________________
    Loan Duration:_______________________
    Cell Phone:_________________________
    Monthly income:____________________
    Purpose for Loan:___________________

  126. Hello Everyone,

    I am Mr Jaimie Thang a private loan lender,who give out loan in a very low interest rate of 3%.we give out all kind of loan like Educational loan, Business loan, home loan, Agricultural loan, Personal loan, auto loan and other good Reason, I also give out loans from the rang of $5,000USD- $100,000,000.00USD at a 3% interest rate. Duration of 1- 15 years depending on the amount you need as loan. Get back to us for more information via:

    Remain Blessed,

    Mr Jaimie Thang

  127. Hello,
    Are you a man or a woman you have been looking for a loan? To expand your
    business or setting up your own business or to pay off your debt or house
    rent if so then we are your answer, We offer loan from $5,000.00 to the
    maximum of $500,000,000.00 dollars with any duration that you can afford.Also give loans out in all currency.
    and any type of loan requested by the customer must be such as:

    *Personal Loan
    * Business Loan
    * Private loan
    contact us via
    and you will be glad in return

  128. Do you need a loan to consolidate your debt? Are you in need of a loan
    to finance or expand your business? or for car purchase, buying a
    house and other personal loans ETC we give long term loan for five to
    fifty years maximum with 3% interest. You are 100% Guaranteed.
    contact us via email reply to email (


    Full Name:________________________
    Date of Birth:______________________
    Home Address:______________________
    Amount Needed:______________________
    Loan Duration:_______________________
    Cell Phone:_________________________
    Monthly income:____________________
    Purpose for Loan:___________________

  129. Hello
    Have you been in search for an online loan and don’t know how to go about it? Save yourself the stress and contact Mr John Carter, a certified online lender that disburse out loans to applicants who are eligible, no much paper work, even with your bad credit you can still get the amount of loan you want, He grants business loan, personal loan, home loan, auto loan, student loan, debt consolidation loan, unsecured loan, venture capital etc. Or Were you refused a loan by a bank or any financial institution for one or more reasons I just said save yourself the stress! Contact via email:
    The interest rate is very affordable and negotiable too depending on the amount of loan needed.

    Your Full Name:
    Loan Amount:
    Loan Duration:
    Phone Number:
    Monthly Income:
    Specific date you need the loan :

    NOTE: These are needed before we can proceed with
    the transaction of the loan okay.


  130. Hello Everyone, I'm from Virginia USA, i will like to talk about the goodness of God in my life after so many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was been scammed so i became desperate in getting a loan from a legit lender online. But as God would have it, i saw a comment from a friend Mike Erianna and he talked about this legit loan company where he got his loan fast and easy without any stress so he introduced me to a man called Mr Marc who controls a firm called MONEY WAY LOANS, So i applied for a loan sum of ($120,000.00USD) to start up a new business of my own with low interest rate of 2%, so the loan was approved and deposited into my bank account in less than 48hrs, that was how i was able to get my loan to keep my broken business running and also to pay off my bills so i am advising everyone of you who is interested in getting a loan fast and easy to kindly contact them via email: {} to get any kind of loan you need today, thanks as you read the greatest testimony of my life contact them today and be free from internet scam.

  131. Hi ,

    My name is Ahana Enaney from Ireland.

    If getting a legit loan online was that easy as stated in all this fabricated loan testimonies that i have been reading through online , then why were my husband and I turned down for a loan online twice after been scammed of about $16,000 United State Dollars ? We the loan seekers are the common regular victims of this fake loan stories simply because we are in dire needs we believe in their stories out of desperation to get a loan, but at the end of it all we find out that we have gained nothing but rather loosed the little we have into the hands of this online scammers who claim to be real lenders .the lenders told us to pay some few amount for insurance because they said that we were high risk!! How is that? I still don't understand how!! how can a lender be requesting several fees from a borrower ? if that borrower was having money would he or she have come along to ask for a loan ?? those lenders deceived my husband and i of getting a loan and we thought it was all real because we never believed that there was anytime as an online loan scam and they had all pay all we had to them and due to the way things were moving we had to close out our business over here in Ireland as we could not meet up with the customers needs any longer because we sold all most every single goods we had and we could not replace them as we thought that we could do so if we get our requested loan amount ... yes !! we were scammed by two different lenders online ! a customer who was also a closed friend to the family saw the way things were so bad and decided to introduce us to a loan company but we refused any further loan offer because we had concluded that all of them were scams but he insisted as he opened up of getting a loan from them but we believed him at a spot after he opened up because we knew him from the onset to be a man of unquestionable character who was always known for his words and we applied with this company that he called THE WINONA MILLARAY LOAN FOUNDATION but prior to our application with this email address or you can check them out on this address too that he provided to us we quickly look up this loan company in Google so that we could be sure that they were legit .. yes !! it was to my own satisfaction and i applied but God was so kind that he lead us through and we got our loan .. Oh well, I'm just glad that we got our loan without been scammed or any stress . Ahana Enaney from Ireland and you can reach me on my official email address

  132. Hi ,

    My name is Ahana Enaney from Ireland.

    If getting a legit loan online was that easy as stated in all this fabricated loan testimonies that i have been reading through online , then why were my husband and I turned down for a loan online twice after been scammed of about $16,000 United State Dollars ? We the loan seekers are the common regular victims of this fake loan stories simply because we are in dire needs we believe in their stories out of desperation to get a loan, but at the end of it all we find out that we have gained nothing but rather loosed the little we have into the hands of this online scammers who claim to be real lenders .the lenders told us to pay some few amount for insurance because they said that we were high risk!! How is that? I still don't understand how!! how can a lender be requesting several fees from a borrower ? if that borrower was having money would he or she have come along to ask for a loan ?? those lenders deceived my husband and i of getting a loan and we thought it was all real because we never believed that there was anytime as an online loan scam and they had all pay all we had to them and due to the way things were moving we had to close out our business over here in Ireland as we could not meet up with the customers needs any longer because we sold all most every single goods we had and we could not replace them as we thought that we could do so if we get our requested loan amount ... yes !! we were scammed by two different lenders online ! a customer who was also a closed friend to the family saw the way things were so bad and decided to introduce us to a loan company but we refused any further loan offer because we had concluded that all of them were scams but he insisted as he opened up of getting a loan from them but we believed him at a spot after he opened up because we knew him from the onset to be a man of unquestionable character who was always known for his words and we applied with this company that he called THE WINONA MILLARAY LOAN FOUNDATION but prior to our application with this email address or you can check them out on this address too that he provided to us we quickly look up this loan company in Google so that we could be sure that they were legit .. yes !! it was to my own satisfaction and i applied but God was so kind that he lead us through and we got our loan .. Oh well, I'm just glad that we got our loan without been scammed or any stress . Ahana Enaney from Ireland and you can reach me on my official email address

  133. Why wasting your precious time online looking for a loan? When there is an opportunity for you to invest with $200 and get a returns of $2,000 within seven business working days. Contact us now for more information if interested on how you can earn big with just little amount. This is all about investing into Crude Oil and Gas Business.



    Hello my dear people , I am Anita Frank, currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in April 2015 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit ,do not full prey to those hoodlums at there that call them self money lender they are all scam , all they want is your money and you well not hear from them again they have done it to me twice before I met Mr. Wilson Edwards the most interesting part of it is that my loan was transfer to me within 74hours so I will advice you to contact Mr. Edwards if you are interested in getting loan and you are sure you can pay him back on time you can contact him via email……… ( No credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral then contact Mr. Wilson Edwards today for your loan
    They offer all kind of categories of loan they
    Short term loan (5_10years)
    Long term loan (20_40)
    Media term loan(10_20)
    They offer loan like
    Home loan............., Business loan........ Debt loan .......
    Student loan..........,Business start up loan
    Business loan....... , Company loan.............. etc
    Email..........( )
    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then Wilson Edwards loan financial is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Anita Frank direct you Good Luck.......................

  135. if you need a loan or urgent money let me know and i will help you out, i offer loan to anyone who is in need of money for business, to pay bills, to buy properties e.t.c.
    no matter the loan you need just contact me now via email and i will help you out and give you a loan at cheap and affordable interest rate.
    welcome and regards.
    to get your loan contact


  136. HELLO
    Are you in any kind of financial difficulty? Are you having
    sleepless nights and worried on how to get a loan to relief
    you of all your financial stress? Your help comes now.

    Contact: TRACY WILLIAMS LOAN COMPANY for easy and
    reliable loans at 3%.

    Full Name:.........
    Loan Amount:.......
    Loan Duration:.....
    telephone number:..



  137. A licensed Loan Lender, We offer Affordable Loan at 3% interest rate available for local and international borrowers, Are you seriously interested in getting a genuine Loan without stress? Do you need this Loan for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more details via:(


    (1)Full Name:
    (7)Amount needed:
    (8)Loan duration:
    (9)Loan purpose:

    Email Us:(



    HEAD OFFICE--3 Basing hall Avenue,UNITED KINGDOM
    TRACY WILLIAMS LOAN COMPANY , is a charitable
    loan organization formed to help our individuals all
    over the world who are going through financial crises .

    We give out loans from the range of
    $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security
    is our priority, at an affordable 3% interest rate.

    Kindly fill the loan application details below ----

    Loan Amount----------
    Purpose of loan------
    Loan Duration--------
    Phone Number:--------






    Are you a businessman or woman? are you financially stressed or do
    you need funds to start your own business? or Need to settle some unpaid
    debts or a loan to start a nice business? You
    Have a low credit score and you are finding it difficult to the credit
    Of the local banks and other financial institutions? Do you need a loan
    or funding for any reason? Such as:
    a.) Personal Loan, Business Expansion
    b.) Business Start-up and Education
    c.) Debt Consolidation.
    d.)Xmas Loan
    We offer loans at low interest rate of 3%, and no credit check, you can
    be Offered personal loan, debt consolidation loan, venture capital,
    Business loans, education loans, home loans or "loans for any reason!
    We offer any much of loan here in TRACY WILLIAMS LOAN COMPANY
    you can contact us today at our detailed information's below

    Company Email........{}


    Borrower’s Full Name:
    Contact Address:
    Contact Cell Phone Number:
    Amount Needed As Loan:
    Duration for the Loan:
    Monthly Income:
    Purpose of the Loan:

    Reply via email: (

    Best Regards,


    Loan Officer/ CEO

  140. i want to appreciate jackson west of for helping me to get an urgent loan i have been scammed total of $6700 by different fake loan lenders and i was at a point of selling my properties to make ends meet. until i saw a post on the internet on how a friend from Germany got her loan from the firm access credits and i also applied with same faith. and i got my loan with no stress after agreeing to the repayment terms and
    conditions of the firm. avoid internet scammers now! if you are in need for a loan to start up a business, car loan, medical bills, projects loans, education etc. contact the firm access credits via

  141. Marian Law
    13 August 2015 at 21:14


    *Get a loan to start and complete your project.
    *Do you need a loan to pay off your debt?
    *Do you have bad credit or to invest?
    *Do u you need loan to start doing business? if yes
    UMONDIA ALEX LOAN INVESMENT, are Granting you personal loan, Construction loan, Debt loan, Student loan. loan is range from $10.000 ''min'' to ''max'' (in millions) @ 2% interest rate. If you are interested kindly
    send response to:

    *Full Name:_________
    *Company Name (If any)__________
    *loan amount:_________
    *Loan duration:_________
    *Purpose of loan:_________
    *Next of kins / Assistant management:_________
    *Email :_________

    *Awaiting your Response:----
    Best Regard

  142. Do you need Financial Assistance? We can help you
    We give out loan with an Interest rate of 2.0%
    Please reply to via Email :
    Kindly write us back with the loan information;
    - Complete Name:
    - Loan amount needed:
    - Loan Duration:
    - Purpose of loan:
    - City / Country:
    - Telephone:
    - Name of the Site:
    Please, contact us for more information:
    Yours Sincerely,
    Mrs. Sevdil Yildirim

  143. Do you need Financial Assistance? We can help you
    We give out loan with an Interest rate of 2.0%
    Please reply to via Email :
    Kindly write us back with the loan information;
    - Complete Name:
    - Loan amount needed:
    - Loan Duration:
    - Purpose of loan:
    - City / Country:
    - Telephone:
    - Name of the Site:
    Please, contact us for more information:
    Yours Sincerely,
    Mrs. Sevdil Yildirim

  144. Thanks for the best was very useful for me.keep sharing such ideas in the future as well.this was actually what i was looking for,and i am glad to came here!


    Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    Contact Us At

  146. My Brothers and Sister all over the world, I am Mrs.Irene Query Wheat from philippines ;i was in need of loan some months ago. i needed a loan to open my restaurant and bar, when one of my long time business partner introduce me to this good and trustful loan lender DR KELLY WILLIAMS that help me out with a loan, and is interest rate is very low , thank God today. I am now a successful business Woman, and I became useful. In the life of others, I now hold a restaurant and bar. And about 30 workers, thank GOD for my life I am leaving well today a happy father with three kids, thanks to you DR KELLY WILLIAMS Now I can take care of my lovely family, i can now pay my bill. I am now the bread winner of my family. If you are look for a trustful and reliable loan leader. You can Email him via,mail ( Please tell him Mrs Irene Query Wheat from philippines introduce you to him. THANKS

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    DR KELLY WILLIAMS Lenders Finance Limited

    Contact Us At

  147. My Brothers and Sister all over the world, I am Mrs.Irene Query Wheat from philippines ;i was in need of loan some months ago. i needed a loan to open my restaurant and bar, when one of my long time business partner introduce me to this good and trustful loan lender DR KELLY WILLIAMS that help me out with a loan, and is interest rate is very low , thank God today. I am now a successful business Woman, and I became useful. In the life of others, I now hold a restaurant and bar. And about 30 workers, thank GOD for my life I am leaving well today a happy father with three kids, thanks to you DR KELLY WILLIAMS Now I can take care of my lovely family, i can now pay my bill. I am now the bread winner of my family. If you are look for a trustful and reliable loan leader. You can Email him via,mail ( Please tell him Mrs Irene Query Wheat from philippines introduce you to him. THANKS

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    DR KELLY WILLIAMS Lenders Finance Limited

    Contact Us At

  148. Hello Everybody, My name is.Mrs.Patrizia Borelli. I live in italy and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that

    any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he

    gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $ 54,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single

    mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $ 54,000.00 U S Dollar,

    he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is

    Mrs.Patrizia Borelli that refer you to him. Contact Mr. Ben Williams via email: reply to email (

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    Contact Us At: (

    With Regard,
    Mr. Ben William


    My Brothers and Sister all over the world, I am Mrs.Irene Query Wheat from philippines ;i was in need of loan some months ago. i needed a loan to open my restaurant and bar, when one of my long time business partner introduce me to this good and trustful loan lender DR KELLY WILLIAMS that help me out with a loan, and is interest rate is very low , thank God today. I am now a successful business Woman, and I became useful. In the life of others, I now hold a restaurant and bar. And about 30 workers, thank GOD for my life I am leaving well today a happy father with three kids, thanks to you DR KELLY WILLIAMS Now I can take care of my lovely family, i can now pay my bill. I am now the bread winner of my family. If you are look for a trustful and reliable loan leader. You can Email him via,mail ( Please tell him Mrs Irene Query Wheat from philippines introduce you to him. THANKS

    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Next Of Kin:
    Date Of Birth:
    Marital Status:
    Phone No:
    Zip Code:
    Weekly income:
    Monthly Income:
    Amount Needed:
    Date of loan needed:
    Purpose of the loan:
    E-mail address:

    DR KELLY WILLIAMS Lenders Finance Limited

    Contact Us At

  150. Hello Everybody, My name is.Mrs.Patrizia Borelli. I live in italy and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $ 54,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $ 54,000.00 U S Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs.Patrizia Borelli that refer you to him. Contact Mr. Ben Williams via email: reply to email (

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    With Regard,
    Mr. Ben William

  151. Hello everyone my name is Jerry Moor, i am here to testify how i was scammed by various loan lenders from the internet, i was in need of a loan and i applied from various loan lenders from the internet, They asked me to pay some amount of money at different basis but i never get my loan, this was how i lost the sum of $3890, i was now in debt because i borrowed the money from a friend, one day a friend of mine introduce me to Mr Destiny Brown. he told me how he has helped him with loan at several cases without any delay, i was scared and never believe him, he urge me to trust him, this was how i as introduce to him through his email: He told me he will offer me the loan that i only need to comply with them, i did as he told me and without any delay, i received my loan as he earlier promise, If you truly need a genuine loan please contact Mr Destiny Brown through his email: . He is a registered reliable loan lender, who can help you with any amount of loan you need thanks to you all.

  152. Do you need Financial Assistance? We can help you
    We give out loan with an Interest rate of 2.0%
    Please reply to via Email :
    Kindly write us back with the loan information;
    - Complete Name:
    - Loan amount needed:
    - Loan Duration:
    - Purpose of loan:
    - City / Country:
    - Telephone:
    - Name of the Site:
    Please, contact us for more information:
    Yours Sincerely,
    Mrs. Sevdil Yildirim

  153. Welcome To George Clydesdale Loan Service….

    Are you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial mess or do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need a loan to start a nice Small Scale and medium business? Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes?.

    Our loans Are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the service you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Gain flexibility with which you can use for any purpose – from vacations, to education, to unique purchases

    We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Home Refinancing Loans with low interest rate @3% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.

    Interested applicants should Contact us via email: { or} or Tel: +1(347) 708-8926

    So we await to hear from you soon.
    Thanks for your cooperation
    George Clydesdale...

  154. hello everyone, if you need urgent loan for business or to pay your bills, any kind of loan you need just contact me now via email we are offering loan to anyone who is in need, and we will give you grace period of 5 months before you will start to repay the loan monthly.
    we offer loan to you no matter your income, contact us now and get your loan without delay.
    best loan offer.

  155. Do you need Financial Assistance? We can help you
    We give out loan with an Interest rate of 2.0%
    Please reply to via Email :
    Kindly write us back with the loan information;
    - Complete Name:
    - Loan amount needed:
    - Loan Duration:
    - Purpose of loan:
    - City / Country:
    - Telephone:
    - Name of the Site:
    Please, contact us for more information:
    Yours Sincerely,
    Mrs. Sevdil Yildirim

  156. Welcome To George Clydesdale Loan Service….

    Are you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial mess or do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need a loan to start a nice Small Scale and medium business? Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes?.

    Our loans Are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the service you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Gain flexibility with which you can use for any purpose – from vacations, to education, to unique purchases

    We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Home Refinancing Loans with low interest rate @3% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.

    Interested applicants should Contact us via email: { or } or Tel: +1(347) 708-8926

    So we await to hear from you soon.
    Thanks for your cooperation
    George Clydesdale...

  157. if you need a loan or you need money to start up a business or to pay off your bills, contact me now
    if you are poor and you need assistance contact me and i will give you money okay, if you have been cheated before i can help you with a genuine loan, contact me now via email

  158. Attention All,
    Do you have a bad credit? Do you need money to pay bills? Do you need to start up a new business? Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing? Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you? and you don’t know what to do? Well you are in the right place and we are here to make your dream come to reality, we offer personal loans,business loans, combination loans, students loans, consolidation loans and so more [secure and unsecured]. We give out loan with low interest rate of 3% and even with low credit score. So do visit us now via { or} or Tel: (347) 708-8926

    Thanks for your cooperation
    George Clydesdale...

  159. Attention All,
    Do you have a bad credit? Do you need money to pay bills? Do you need to start up a new business? Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing? Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you? and you don’t know what to do? Well you are in the right place and we are here to make your dream come to reality, we offer personal loans,business loans, combination loans, students loans, consolidation loans and so more [secure and unsecured]. We give out loan with low interest rate of 3% and even with low credit score. So do visit us now via { or} or Tel: (347) 708-8926

    Thanks for your cooperation
    George Clydesdale...

  160. Attention All,
    Do you have a bad credit? Do you need money to pay bills? Do you need to start up a new business? Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing? Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you? and you don’t know what to do? Well you are in the right place and we are here to make your dream come to reality, we offer personal ,business loans, combination loans, students loans, consolidation loans and so more [secure and unsecured]. We give out loan with low interest rate of 3% .So do visit us now via { or} or Tel: (347) 708-8926

    Thanks for your cooperation
    George Clydesdale...

  161. if you need loan, financial assistance, money to pay your debts or buy a car, money to pay your fees or other costs, you have an opportunity now to enjoy our easy loan offer program.
    we offer loans to anyone in need, no matter your current financial status, whether you are poor or rich, you can get a loan from us.
    contact us now

  162. Best Place To Get Your Financial Problem Solved (

    My Name is Nicole Marie, I live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life, As i am a struggling mum with two kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bill for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i ran to my father and he was not able to help me, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a God fearing man (Mr Martinez Lexie) who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the Internet mostly Africa, but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt due to the fact that the company is from United State of America, and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of $82,000.00 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is ok and can walk, my family is happy and i said to myself that i will shout to the world the wonders this great and God fearing Man Mr Martinez Lexie did for me and my family; so if anyone is in genuine and serious need of a loan do contact this GOD fearing man via Email: ( ) or reach him through this number +1 (406) 946-0675 thanks

    1. Hello Everybody,

      My name is Lillian Garland. I live in USA Florida and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them.
      She gave happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as a single parents with 3 kids I meant this honest and GOD fearing loan lender online Mrs herlinda that helped me with a loan of $250,000.00 U.S. Dollar, She is indeed GOD fearing Lady, working with a reputable loan company.

      If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact them and please tell them that Mrs, Lillian referred you to them.

      contact via E_mail:

  163. Hello Every One, I am mrs Candy From Ohio U.S.A, I quickly want to use this medium to shear a testimony on how
    God directed me to a Legit and real loan lender who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor
    to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so
    many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was scammed the sum of $3,500 i became so desperate in
    getting a loan from a legit loan lender online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of
    mine who recently got a loan online, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man
    called Mr Smith Morgan who is the C.E.O of Morgansmith Loan Company So i applied for a loan sum of (150,000.00
    USD) with low interest rate of 2%, so the loan was approved easily without stress and all the preparations where
    made concerning the loan transfer and in less than two(2) days the loan was deposited into my bank so i want to
    advice any one that needs a loan to quickly contact him via: ( he does not know
    am doing this i pray that God will bless him for the good thing he has done in my life.

  164. Hello Everybody,

    My name is Lillian Garland. I live in USA Florida and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them.
    She gave happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as a single parents with 3 kids I meant this honest and GOD fearing loan lender online Mrs herlinda that helped me with a loan of $250,000.00 U.S. Dollar, She is indeed GOD fearing Lady, working with a reputable loan company.

    If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact them and please tell them that Mrs, Lillian referred you to them.

    contact via E_mail:


  165. GOOD DAY,


    Our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability,in order to meet up with the demands of living,and helping those who are in financial crises.Those who have been seriously turned down by their banks don't loose hope look up to CURTIZ MORGAN LOAN FIRMS,via;( we all need funds very urgently, even when we are getting a handsome salary or doing very well in business because of some unexpected expenses,such as
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